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Graphs Menu




All the graph properties can be edited by right-clicking anywhere on the plot.  These changes are only temporary unless you save the new format.

You can save any of the graph formats by pressing Ctrl-s after editing the graph properties.


The Graphs menu offers the following options:


Total System Results

Show classic nodal plot of rate vs. Pressure


Show IPR plot only


Show hydraulics curves only

Sensitivity Scroller

Open Sensitivity Scroller tool that provides a means to graphically adjust most parameters and see the immediate effect of the change on the total system graph.

Sensitivity Results

This option will show 4 choices for plots of Rate/Pressure versus sensitivity parameter for both IPR and Hydraulics (if available).

Tubing Pressure Gradients

Tubing pressure profiles (VLP) are provided for each rate and sensitivity, as well as the solution rate.

Velocity Gradient plots

Velocity profiles are provided for each rate and sensitivity along the length of the wellbore.  The minimum lift velocity is also provided along the wellbore.

Gas Lift Design Plot

This plot is only available for detailed gas lift cases and will automatically update when the case is run.

Incremental GOR vs. Lift Rate

Show Incremental GOR vs. Lift rate plot

Jet Pump Performance

This plot is only available for Jet Pump cases and will automatically update when the case is run.

3D Simulator Tables

This little-used feature shows a 3D plot of a BH pressure surface for the rates, WHP, and Gas lift rates generated.

Wellbore Trajectory

Shows the side-view of the wellbore accounting for changes in inclination, but not azimuth.  Useful in determining if horizontal ections are toe up or down.  

Reset all Chart defaults

Reset all .oc2 files to original settings.  This is a faster option than re-installing and can repair graph layouts that have been "broken" past the point of repair.