Release Notes

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Release Notes

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Recent release summaries

Release 2.967   2/26/2025

When the Detailed Temperature Options panel is opened over one of the 3 different GasLift panels, the "Post Results to Grid" button now refreshes the values seen in the grid behind the Detailed Temperature Options panel.  In prior versions, the underlying data was changed, but the grid in the background did not reflect these changed values.
Rolled back some of the alternate valve name functionality since some of the 3 GasLift panels did not honor this new feature seamlessly.  Version 2.967a will be fully stress tested on all 3 panels.


Release 2.966   1/22/2025

Stress tested process to empirically define low-rate jet pump solutions that are ignored by the prior solver logic.
Fixed GasLift Surveillance panel well test option where date Range queries put values in the wrong columns.  This bug arrived when the Allocated and Source fields were added to that grid.


Release 2.965   11/13/2024

Stress tested process to empirically define low-rate jet pump solutions that are ignored by the prior solver logic.
Refined new well selection options for US and Norway Conocophillips users.
Stored procedure for Oxy users stress tested.  Now showing well test source and Acreage_Indicator.
Fixed several bugs in FBHP utility where reporting sensitivity values.


Release 2.962   10/31/2024

Added new well selection options for US and Norway Conocophillips users.  Search by name and API are now active to those with new releases and network access.
Implemented new stored procedure for Oxy users so that well tests from multiple sources are shown on the well test grid.  The source of each well test is shown on the row as well.
Began fleshing out the Hydraulics tuning feature so that tuning values are persistent with each dataset and visible in all results windows during the tuning process.
Refined Valve passage coefficients features on advanced valve passage panel.
Beginning process to empirically define low-rate jet pump solutions that are ignored by the current solver logic.


Release 2.957   9/16/2024

Added method to implement arbitrary pressure reduction moving uphole at any GL valve.  This functionality is required to model "venturi" valves.
Added try-catch logic to Oxy well test stored procedure queries to gracefully handle failures on the server side.  This will be helpful for others implementing complex database logic that may fail before returning values.


Release 2.956   8/25/2024

Added improved data handling on Jet Pump panel where changes are not saved when moving to the next page or pressing OK.
Broadened handling of "PI" feedback on advanced GL design panel.
Backstopped several cases where Nagoo min lift method failed due to lack of PVT data (generalized PVT math so gas properties are loaded even for liquid only cases).


Release 2.955   8/15/2024

Added new minimum lift method (access via the preferences panel).
Stabilized the extra rates input and storage for gas, and injector wells. Up to 10 items were aded for oil wells but that functionality was not fully tested for gas wells and injectors.
Identified a "Choked Open" flag was being set on some VPC gaslift valves causing the passage rate not to fall to zero in the throttling region.  This function was originally added to handle secondary choke valve behavior but is not needed for standard valves.
Stabilized the behavior of the "Drop PSC at Orifice to match requested Qg" option so it is persistent between panels and datasets.
Stabilized the saving of values for gas lift preferences (KO bias, Extra pressure, Oper Valve DP, min Valve Qg, psc DP btwn Valves).


Release 2.952   7/25/2024

Added new plotting option to show superficial gas velocities instead of actual on velocity profile plots.
Improved cascading well selection behavior for DB connected users.
Refined the by-valve casing pressure lines to better match the solution gradient line.  Old treatment honored casing gradients referenced at the valve depth instead of the surface.
Added rudimentary interface for managing VPC catalog and alternate valve names.
Fixed sensitivity bug where vogel test pressures are above sensitized reservoir pressure, creating backwards IPR curves.  Now they just give back zeros.


Release 2.949   6/12/2024

Moved this release notes section to the top of the help file.
Added the Lift gas gradients options back onto the Gas Lift Surveillance panel.
Fixed cascading pressure lines coming off GL valves so they square up nicely against the solution operating pressure line and the live pressure gradients that can be dragged across the GL plots.
Added more alternate valve name logic to the interface so now users can re-name valves in the interface as well as the reports.  For example, Priority valves can now be seen as Tally valves on dropdowns and in the reports. The alternate valve names file is called C:\programdata\snap\alternatevalvenames.txt and is user-configurable.
Cleaned up Eclipse VLP Simulation exports for gas wells.
Improved cascading well selection outline for Oxy users.


Release 2.946   5/22/2024

Rebuilt sensitivity intersection results portion of text reports.  These grids were corrupted when the combined sensitivities feature was added, but have now been repaired and stress tested under all 4 permutations of sensitivity options: none, IPR, Hyd, combined.


Release 2.945   5/14/2024

Added special case where an orifice is run in the Top station.  This might be the only station for SPI cases.  GL plot now shows lift at the correct location and other typical GL plot lines and values.
Updated Camco_BKO-3 18/64 port Cv value in VPC catalog to better align with 16 and 20 port size values.
Fixed bug in where Gas Lift Extra injection depth & rates grid refreshes badly after pressing "Apply."
Updated PTC15IPO 12 & 20 port sizes in VPC parameters to eliminate throttling.
Added PTC15IPO 8 & 16 port sizes to available options.


Release 2.942   4/16/2024

Fixed bug (since version 2.938) where velocity values for pressure systems less than about 90 psi were clipped at around 50 ft/second.


Release 2.941   4/3/2024

Significant changes as noted below:

Added interface features including:
oAdded "Goal Seek" functionality to the old sensitivty scroller tool.  It will now search for the input values that will make the solution match a known well test.
oFixed several nuisance bugs in well test queries.
oFinished implementing date range queries for well test database users.


Release 2.937   2/29/2024

Significant changes as noted below:

Added interface features including:
oAll reports can be exported to an excel csv file with a single button.
oMay have finally solved all issues where window locations are either off-screen or not where expected.
oDetailed hydraulics plotting feature to show up to 1000 data points on a rate vs. pressure plot.
o5 more hydraulics rates (total of 10) to the standard extra rates panel.
o2nd order solver to Gas-lift troubleshooting algorithms to handle difficult to model wells where lift gas passage rates swing wildly at transfer points.
oCreated auto-update feature on aboutbox where SNAP can update itself to the most recent version if the user asks it to look for new versions and update.
oAdded custom layout options so plots and reports are arranged per expert advice.
oAdded additional layers of crash proofing to PVT relationships.
oAdded new custom GasLift Provider setup report templates and functionality.
oAdded 7,14,31,50 day short-cut buttons to retrieve that many welltests.
oRevised advanced GasLift panels to allow plotting of actual valve performance curves overlaid with predicted performance.
oShow Basic gas lift performance plot when calculating solution point on wells with basic gas lift option enabled (no valves defined yet).
oUpdated all 4 valve up-down toggles to use lift station as defined in the preferences as opposed to grid row.
oAdded sensitivity item plotting for Water and gas injectors.
oStress tested small ID gas injection ID friction pressure calculations.
Revised and updated many panels
oUpdated preferences panel carries additional GL options (like show hydraulics sensitivities on GL design plots), option to let SNAP add solution rate, survey and match data.  The preferences panel is now so large the next iteration may to add topic specific tabs.
oAdded detailed data on the General : Optional Input tab for Gaslift Setup reports to help GasLift vendors more quickly build customer set-up reports.  Defaults can be loaded or stored.
oAdded “advanced” tab to the wellbore property page to contain MD<->TVD converter and detailed hydraulics plotting utility.
oAdded “other” field to the deviation survey grid so depth based data not normally stored in SNAP can be stored and used in the analysis.
oPost Survey rows to wellbore button generates a first-pass wellbore description.
oAdded valve stability plot button to classic gas lift valve grid.
Technical Corrections and improvements
oRevised the treatment of all Vogel based IPR models with water cut > 0.
Prior treatment assumed standard quadratic curvature defined by Vogels original paper for all water cut values.
New treatment relaxes the 2nd order curvature as the water cut increases, resulting in full curvature at 0% water cut, and a straight line IPR at 100% water cut.
Water cut values between 0 and 1 blend in the curvature to provide a smooth and consistent pattern.
100's of bug fixes and minor upgrades


Release 2.820   9/30/2021

Significant changes as noted below:

Added interface features including:
oBetter validation on grids to allow smoother manual entry of wellbore, valve, and other tabular grid data.
oMoved and optimized menu positions of advanced gas-lift features.
oAdded Close all Windows Menu.
oAdded lift gas pressure profile to all gradient plots for Basic GL models.
oInteractively refresh more plots when updating results.
oMoved plot X, Y location feedback to left edge of window and use scale based digits where smaller values use more decimals than large values.
oIdentified issues where window locations are either off-screen or not where expected.
oIncreased the maximum number of deviation survey and pressure profile points to 50,000 rows (each).
Revised and updated many panels
oPressure profile survey data import was reprogrammed and stabilized, added "Smart" reduce number of data points button that retains data density around valves and wellbore top and bottom.
oAdded Athena AWS pressure profile retrieval for COP users.
oUpdated and Revised Hydraulics Tuning feature to better track matched profile and add frictional and hydrostatic multipliers to match the functionality of other popular Nodal Apps.
oPreferences panel carries additional GL defaults, scratch file location, reset window / input panel location, wording on show / hide options, economic payout parameters.
oAdded plot trajectory button to Deviation survey page to quickly review quality of wellbore segment boundaries and deviation data.
oAdded Qg Required and Qg Available values and color coding to GL grids to give faster feedback on port size mismatch to needed gas capacity at each mandrel.
oAdded GS GL workspace panel as a first step to rationalize "New GL Design" vs. "GL troubleshooting" workflow.
oFine tuned and added new solvers to the GL troubleshooting panel.  Added "step-solve" button to step through solver logic and better identify weak or no-solution conditions.  Hardwired and auto-solve lift depth options.
oAdded "Identifier" to match panel data so it can be tied to well tests or other significant events.
oOn Advanced GL Troubleshooting panel, made last selected well test become the live data in the panel when opened.  Improved pre-load well test workflow.
oOn Advanced GL Design panel, added "existing mandrels" option to disable "new mandrel" required inputs.  Added Simulation lift-off controls to avoid spawning separate dialog.  Add feature to round TRO pressures to a specific increment.
oAdded Auto-populate option for wellbore correlations sensitivity option on Sensitivities panel.
Expanded and stress tested Units features
oAdded units to grid headers / data treatment on many panels.
oUnits panel itself did not change, but the number of panels that honor units choices increased.
Advanced Gas Lift design Panel.
Advanced Gas Lift surveillance Panel.
Standard Gas Lift troubleshooting Panel.
Standard Gas Lift valve detail Panel.
Standard Gas Lift parameters Panel.
Detailed wellbore temperature utility.
Match Data panel.
Pressure Survey Data Panel.
Hydraulics Tuning panel.
100's of bug fixes and minor upgrades


Release 2.703   12/4/2019

Added Deviation survey entry and usage to improve accuracy and simplicity of entering wellbore and gaslift MD/TVD pairs.  This may bloat up datasets, making them difficult to upload so ConocoPhillips and BP users should reduce segment count to 20 or less.


Release 2.701   11/19/2019

Revised all grids to allow cell height adjustments on the fly. Fixed well-test retrievals resulting in 0 fbhp estimates due to the hydraulics structures not being fully loaded.  In prior versions, a live case had to be run before the FBHP at would work correctly.  Significant improvements and updates to this help utility.  Added Webhelp Menu Item and button (about panel).


Release 2.700   11/11/2019

All panels can be made Modeless if that option is selected in the Preferences Panel.  Added Gas Lift Surveillance and Mandrel Depth Design Dashboards to Utility menu.  Installers no longer require a password, but each computer needs a custom license file unless the user type is one of the very large user groups.  Added significant updates to this help utility.
Made webhelp available at


Release 2.463.497   12/20/2015

Simplified and stabilized Gas Lift Temperature options by removing "Kick-Off" temperature profile from standard designs.  Moved complex Temperature profile generation to a utility so that valve design panel is less cluttered.  Implemented option for showing temperature profiles on the same plot as the gaslift profile.  Added 2 new VPC valve types:  PTC and WFD RO-2HV.  Will add remaining 2014 tested valves in 2016.  Added .LAS file format import utility to pressure survey panel.  Made Mandrel design panel modal so sensitivities can be tested without re-opening the panel.


Release 2.448.497   9/9/2015

SNAP now can be run without formally installing it.  THe last hurdle in this process was registering the graphics libraries and that step has been eliminated by using excel as the graphics engine.  The help manual will be updated to describe this functionality once these new interfaces begin to gel.


Release 2.445.497   8/14/2015

A huge number of small and large enhancements are incorporated in the last 100 sub-releases.  Unfortunately the help file and release notes have not kept up and we apologize.  That will be an area for improvement in the second half of 2015.


Release 2.346.497   6/30/2013

Improved Gas Lift Troubleshooting algorithms for Prudhoe Bay wells with special characters in the well name.  Added preference to show or not show advanced and debugging panels.  Default setting is "Do not Show."  Added method to show multiple hydraulics rates on the Gas Lift design plots.  Updated this help file for changes made to the simple gaslift panels.  Continue to fine tune installer logic to better fit with Microsoft recommended practices for Windows 7 and Windows 8.


Release 2.343.497   5/24/2013

Revised Excel Hydraulics Example to accommodate new Gas Lift CO2 concentration data member. Updated input panel placement logic to honor multiple screens.  Made significant changes to installer logic to better fit with Microsoft recommended practices for Windows 7 and Windows 8.


Release 2.331.497   11/24/2012

Updated VPC parameters to 2012 values.


Release 2.326.497   10/3/2012

Improved stability of the simple gas lift panel and SI units on several panels and plots.  Removed secondary licensing checks to reduce problems on Enterprise distribution Win7 Machines for users without local administrator rights.


Release 2.315.497   7/25/2012

Tuned up labeling on headers for gas lift reports and and graphs, especially for gas wells under gas lift.


Release 2.313.497   7/10/2012

Removed call to get the Network ID code and attempted to build more stable installers for corporate environments.


Release 2.306.497   6/7/2012

Implemented several enhancements to multi-zone IPR visualization, tightened up some Gas-Well Gas lift features, improved PPO valve spacing, re-connected Prudhoe Bay database access features for Automated Troubleshooting.


Release 2.295.497   3/15/2012

Continued to fine tune and upgrade Gas Lift features including preferences for Ct option, IPO Design line Mandrel spacing,  BP inclusion in VPC database access, +many more.  Added deviation factor to min-lift calculations and preference to use or not use.  Added some clean-up items to Jet-Pump module.


Release 2.273.497   11/20/2011

Incorporated first complete PPO valve and XOM Mandrel design options for testing and fine tuning.  Modified IPR Bubble point pressure reported in results to correct for dissolved gas gravity instead of producing gas gravity, thus matching the values used in the Hydraulics.


Release 2.256.497   6/29/2011

Enhanced the Mandrel design options to include stubs for other design techniques.  Provided sample case 8M for validation and testing.  Posted test-suite results to lock down old method results for comparison and identification of fall-out.


Release 2.255.497   6/2/2011

Added a few more data elements (GL pressure, WHT, Target Liquid rate, ...) to the "Post Selected WellTests to Dataset" Button based on Feedback from Prudhoe Bay GL specialist.  Added annoying warning messages for gas lift GLR that is below formation GLR.  Re-set gas lift GLR to formation GLR if it is less than formation GLR and makes it through the interface checks.


Release 2.252.497   5/17/2011

Added additional detail on Gas Lift Mandrel design initial input so that target rates and maximum lift depths can be specified.  Added warnings if MD of Mandrels is not close to estimated values from the tubing descriptions.  Finished implementation of Gas lift volumes in FBHP Utility with correct labeling, text file headers, and import optimized text output.  Fixed right-arrow key functionality on input and output grids. Removed extraneous Graphics DLL from the installer which removed the need for Visual C 4.2 run time libraries as well.


Release 2.248.497   4/18/2011

Remove context specific help toolbar button which lost functionality with the upgrade to compiled HTML help.  Removed SI units labels and translations from Gas lift and Jet pump detail dialogs to reduce clutter and confusion on these specialized design pages.  


Release 2.243.497   3/16/2011

Solidified mandrel spacing code to use more consistent tubing gradients by forcing the lift point to be at the bottom of the tubing tail on the first pass as opposed to the depth entered on the gas lift details dialog.  Trap and handle bad GL injection depths.  


Release 2.241.497   3/12/2011

Re-arranged detailed gas lift dialog to clarify issues relating to lift depth.  Trapped hydraulics failures caused by impossible lift conditions.  


Release 2.231.497   1/1/2011

Made switching between loading rate vs. pressure plot and normal rate vs. pressure plot more seamless (scales are maintained).  Updated a few Automated Gas lift troubleshooting columns.  Tested new algorithms for GL gradients for both oil and gas wells.  Tightened up mandrel spacing code.


Tested 64 bit versions of math modules and passed interface modules through Visual Studio 2011.  No significant performance improvements were identified but obsolete code was eliminated to simplify porting at a later date.


Release 2.229.497   12/19/2010

Revised the algorithm for simulating gas lift kick-off formation and lift gas rates.  Incorporated live fluid gradients below the lift point into the gas lift design report.  Revised gas lift plot to refresh more consistently.  Lift shading plots update more consistently for gas and liquid producers.


Release 2.227.497   12/8/2010

Pushed the 2011 password to the installers, removed duplicate variable definitions in the gaslift and pvt panels for water cut and GOR.  Now there is only one value for each of these and it flows through all panels.  Removed the message that comes up if a license file machine code does not match the machine.   Added a maximum welltest date to the Automated Gas Lift troubleshooting panel.  Identified some problems with windows refreshing cleanly while pressing the liquid lifting shading toggle button and the gas lift valve performance plots.


Release 2.216.497   10/8/2010

Fixed a few special case graphics issues for gas lift designs with dummy valves in the top station and gas velocity plots wfor wells with complex completions.  Added a few new columns to the ConocoPhillips automated gas lift troubleshooting utility and began re-linking to similar Oracle tables for to re-enable field-wide automated GLTS for BP.


Release 2.212.497   9/26/2010

Fully tested beta release of Batch Gas Lift troubleshooting utility.  Currently fine tuning interface based on live tests against complete well inventory.  Identified and removed several floating point exceptions that were slowing performance.  Added several interface suggestions recommended during ExxonMobil testing ( I.E. Gas lift calculations, reports and plots appear when calculate all button is pushed).  Continued to refine and solidify complex gas lift functions.


Release 2.204.497   8/25/2010

Tied ConocoPhillips Batch Gas Lift troubleshooting utility to new well header tables on Alaska Oracle Database.  Added lifting shading option to wells defined as "oil" wells.  Removed friction pressure over-prediction trapping on Gray correlation since it was causing discontinuities on very low pressure  cases (< 5 psia).


Release 2.200.497   8/6/2010

Rebuilt and solidified gas lift features for normal use and batch gas lift troubleshooting.  Cleared error conditions while estimating operating pressures at the lift point.  Locked down VPC and other user rights features.  Tested full test suite and eliminated spurious floating point errors that will slow down execution.


Release 2.169.497   3/5/2010

Locked in dialog locations after pressing the OK and Cancel buttons to match the prior behavior of the next and previous buttons.  Added an auxiliary rate slider to the main gas lift panel to give a quick view of how the well will act under rates other than the design rate.  Wrote preparatory codes for PPO valve design.


Release 2.166.497   2/14/2010

Recoded the force balance routines on the gas lift trouble shooting page to include a clearer set of parameters.  On the same panel, re-visited all the column labels and maintained each valve passage method in a standard fixed column instead of making the active method the second column over.
Disabled the "Close Box" on all input dialogs to eliminate accidental "shortcuts" past data storing and validation routines.  Fine tuned the double click and mouse selection movement actions on all plots.  Cleaned up the rest of the soft returns on all grids.


Release 2.163.497   2/10/2010

Enabled a soft return when reaching the right edge of a grid so that the first cell in the next row down is highlighted.  Tightened up a few features on the gas lift panels and plots..


Release 2.160.497   2/2/2010

Added code to accept the enter key without going to the next panel.  Now enter will be treated the same as a tab key while on data entry dialogs.  Improved parameter updating on the Jet pump dialog.


Release 2.158.497   1/15/2010

Added flowline specific pipe sizes on the last tab of the flowline dialog.


Release 2.155.497   1/6/2010

Re-wrote check-box logic on general panel to avoid multiple AL method selection and improve option enabling and disabling based on well type.  Cleaned up reporting of the Chokshi correlation on the gas Lift Plot, and disabled valve type validation on all but full row copy-paste actions on the valve properties grid.


Release 2.151.497   12/1/2009

Fixed an interface bug where IPR layers greater than 2 were not showing up correctly in the IPR grid.  This bug was in versions released between 9/20 and 11/30.  Thanks Cliff and Paul.


Release 2.151.497   11/30/2009

Increased file size that can be saved and retrieved from ConocoPhillips Oracle databases.  Old limit of 4000 characters per record is handled by appending two 4000 character fields.


Release 2.149.497   11/23/2009

Added option to include "loading area shading" to gas well models.  Option included in global preferences and a toolbar button.  Testing indicates that refreshing is adequate but plots move back to the last closed position when swapping back and forth.  Shaded areas do not yet automatically grow with an increase in scale, but will re-fill with a new calculate.  Checked and repaired a temporary (has been in place for perhaps 6 months) conversion error in the minimum lifting rate routine.


Release 2.148.497   11/19/2009

Added more flexible jet pump modeling features.  Removed "Move objects on the graph" toolbar button since it was an unnecessary interface obstacle; all prior functionality still exists but you no longer have to press the button first.  Tested minimum lifting area shading logic.


Release 2.143.497   10/20/2009

Activated alpha testing module on Plunger lift options showing loaded and unloaded hydraulics plots.  Transient codes for build-up and drawdown were imported and compiled but are not yet tied into the GUI.


Release 2.137.497   9/20/2009

Rebuilt zonal summing routines for both types of injectors and both types of producers.  Removed secondary phase calculations until the last step which simplified and sped up the code significantly.  Tested against 4 test suite datasets that use multiple layers.  Note:  Modified IPR liquid viscosity weighted average from harmonic to a resistance model at 25% saturations of the primary phase.  This change may affect results reported from older datasets so may be moved to a preference item in a future release so the old method can remain available.


Release 2.132.497   9/14/2009

Retested and stabilized functionality for pulling recent well tests from ConocoPhillips Oracle databases.  Added check box to preferences panel for to allow legend to stay where placed instead of always moving back to upper right hand corner.  Added the Haaland equation direct solution for friction factors (thanks Drew).

Release 2.128.497   8/20/2009

Several working releases of the C7 implementation are circulating.  Tested with 10 students for a 5 day class with no problems.  Repairs downward compatibility issue on non-VPC gas-lift designs for Prudhoe Bay users.  
New features in this version include the Shui-Beggs Temperature prediction for flowing gas lift designs, improved multi-layer injection predictions, improved GOR handling in multi-layer crossflow cases, and several maintenance fixes and upgrades.  Still supplying the C6 version but this version will soon be able to replace it w/o regrets.


Release 2.120.497   5/27/2009

Improved handling of singularity in Gray correlation friction calculation at load-up conditions resulting in a smoother curve below the load-up point.  Preparing for first beta release of Visual C7.1 version in June.


Release 2.119.497   5/21/2009

Several significant upgrades including new velocity gradient plots.  Improved the tutorial in this help file.  Fixed a calculation error that incorrectly straightened base IPR curves in cases using Vogel with reservoir data including completion parameters that were not restrictive (should have been be irrelevant).  Reviewed all other completion methods for similar problems with none found.


Release 2.114.497   4/8/2009

Added wellbore correlation from Rajan N Chokshi, University of Tulsa revised Aug 1994.  Wellbore segment arrays increased from 50 to 100 items in hydrlc32.dll.


Release 2.112.497   3/16/2009

Redirected Conoco Phillips Oracle database connections to the new Oracle 10 instance, OAKATDT1.


Added Annular+Tubing flow option to evaluate flow from both a tubing string and an annular space.  Tested cases with and without a zero size lower tubing string to evaluate cases with a tubing tail set high.  Repaired zone naming logic so that defaults are now "none" instead of  "-1.00000".


Release 2.111.497   3/13/2009

Posted a release detailed hydraulics report page for the entire wellbore under the operating condition that considers isolated inflows from each layer (page forward to the last page).  See release 2.109 discussion.  Added Critendon method of determining Annular flow effective diameter instead of wetted radius method.


Release 2.109.497   3/3/2009

Posted a beta release detailed hydraulics report page for the entire wellbore under the operating condition that considers isolated inflows from each layer.  This report page will follow all other detail page reports.  The intent is to see the change in flow regime within the completion section and Identify at which zone standing water will load the lower layers and match the tubing gradient plot under similar conditions.  Clarified some text on the gas lift report notes.


Release 2.107.497   2/17/2009

Added rate and sensitivity count to top of detailed Hydraulics report pages.  Improved units text-box spacing on water and Gas injectivity index panels.  Still need to improve final Gas injectivity index units features.


Release 2.106.497   1/16/2009

Increased size of working arrays that caused a gradient calculation failure for gas lift cases with more than 20 wellbore segments .  Improved column labels on gas-well gas lift reports.


Release 2.105.497   1/6/2009

Reset GL Orifice gas passage methods to not include the incremental pressure drop used for bellows Valves.  Enables moving of legend on Gas Lift plots, added clarification text on Psc Bot Bel legend item on gas lift design plot.


Release 2.104.497   1/6/2009

Added and tightened up several gas lift issues related to Valve Performance Clearinghouse codes.  Re-set the correct Y axis labels on gradient plots.  Bug exists between versions 99-103.


Release 2.091.497   11/25/2008

Fixed numerical interpolation routines to more accurately determine intersection points.  Versions starting in early 2008 were inadvertently using a stair-step interpolation as opposed to a linear interpolation, which was fallout from efforts to eliminate divide-by-zero occurrences.  This change will only affect reports and sensitivity plots.


Release 2.089.497   11/23/2008

First beta release incorporating Cliff Redus' restriction code re-write.  Older files may show different results starting with this version if they include small restrictions.


Release 2.087.497   11/14/2008

Identified problem with working files being written to the system defined "working directory."  These are now stored in the application directory.  Work in progress on improved choke code and gas lift enhancements.


Release 2.083.497   10/23/2008

Forced entered WHP into the appropriate segment in cases with flowlines and simplistic temperature definitions.  Switched back to cumulative length based interpolations on sub-segment temperature profiles.  Version releases between 10/1/2008 and 10/23/2008 had a TVD based interpolation to more closely mimic geothermal gradients.  As always, rigorous temperature calculations are an option for those who do not know their temperature profiles through measurements.  +Minor interface refinements.


Release 2.079.497  10/15/2008

Formalized VPC casing pressure adder so that :

1) value is saved with the dataset,

2) is used in all VPC calcs, and

3) retains persistence when tabbing between Gas lift Dialogs


Major release history


SNAP 1.017 Beta Release  (Original Release Date 3/19/98)


SNAP is the System Nodal Analysis Program developed by Engineers and Programmers working for ARCO E&P Technology using code dating back to the early 1980's.  The System Nodal Analysis Program analyzes the intersection of Inflow Performance Relationship curves and Tubing Hydraulics curves to predict flow rates.  It does not require any external databases or data files and can be run in the same manner as any other Windows Application.


More recent releases


After 497 incremental program enhancements to version 1.000, the version number was incremented to 2.000 in 2007 to signify the significant addition of SI and other Units, HTML Help, and first release of Gas lifting features for gas wells, and VPC gas passage relationships for gas lift valves.


This is a help document outlining the options available with the SNAP application. It is our hope that the following information will help clear up questions on the definitions of the variables found in the application.  We appreciate any advice you may have as to how to better express the terms defined within the program.