Hydraulics Sensitivities

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Hydraulics Sensitivities

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Hydraulics Sensitivities


This dialog allows the user to select sensitivity parameters which can be varied to evaluate the effect of changes in the system.  When appropriate, selections which are not applicable (i.e. flowline I.D. when no flowline is defined) are not shown in the list of available sensitivities.


Inputs Sensitivities Hydraulics


Tubing and Flowline Sensitivities:


Separator pressure (psi):  The pressure that fluids are delivered at the end of the flowline.  This option is unavailable when no flowline exists.


Wellhead Pressure (psi):  The surface flowing pressure at the wellhead.  This option is not valid when a flowline exists because the wellhead becomes an intermediate node and is fully defined by the system itself.


Flowline I.D. (in):  The internal diameter of the flowline from the separator to the wellhead.  If multiple segments exist, the complete set of dimensions can be entered for each sensitivity.  This option is unavailable when no flowline exists.


Tubing I.D. (in):  The internal diameter of the tubing from the wellhead to the bottom of the hole.  If multiple segments exist, the complete set of dimensions can be entered for each sensitivity.  This option is unavailable when the flow is through the annulus.


Tubing O.D. (in): The outer diameter of the tubing from the separator to the wellhead.  If multiple segments exist, the complete set of dimensions can be entered for each sensitivity.  This option is unavailable when flow is inside the tubing.


Gas-Liquid Ratio (scf/bbl):  The gas-liquid [gas/(oil+water)] ratio entered as part of the simple gas lift entry option.  The value should not be less than the solution gas-liquid ratio.    This option is unavailable unless the well is gas lifted.


Injected Gas Rate (mscfd):  The rate of lift gas injection.  This option is unavailable unless the well is gas lifted.


Tubing Correlation:  This option allows the user to run a variety of multi-phase correlations and evaluate the differences between them.


Flowline Correlation:  This option allows the user to run a variety of horizontal correlations and evaluate the differences between them.  This option is unavailable when no flowline exists.


Other Hydraulic Sensitivities:


Mona Coefficient A1

Mona Coefficient A2

Gas Lift GLR

Measured Depth of injection

Gas Lift Pressure

Surface Pressure

Gas Lift Rate

Specific Gravity of Gas Lift Gas

Bottom Hole Temperature

Gas Lift Temperature

Surface Temperature

Wellhead Temperature

Wellbore - Tubing Correlation

Flowline - Measured Depth

Flowline - True Vertical Depth

Flowline - Inner Diameter Casing

Flowline - Inner Diameter Tubing

Flowline - Outer Diameter Tubing

Flowline - Flow Angle

Flowline - Pipe Roughness Factor

Flowline - Beginning Temperature

Flowline - Measured Depth of a Restriction

Flowline - Restriction Diameter

Flowline - Tubing Correlation

Wellbore - Measured Depth

Wellbore - True Vertical Depth

Wellbore - Inner Diameter Casing

Wellbore - Inner Diameter Tubing

Wellbore - Outer Diameter Tubing

Wellbore - Flow Angle

Wellbore - Pipe Roughness Factor

Wellbore - Beginning Temperature

Wellbore - Measured Depth of a Restriction

Wellbore - Restriction Diameter


Combined Sensitivities:


Water Cut (fraction):  Since the water cut affects both the IPR and tubing hydraulics, it is run as a combined sensitivity.  Selecting this option will turn off all other sensitivities.