Water Injectivity Index

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Water Injectivity Index

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Water Injectivity Index


Water Injectivity Index


The following items may be edited on the Fractured Reservoir Data Panel:


RESERVOIR PRESSURE (psia):  The average reservoir pressure in the well's drainage area and can be obtained from pressure buildup analysis.


FRACTURE PRESSURE (psia):  The pressure at which the slope of the injectivity index changes as the reservoir begins to break-down  Typical frac gradients run from 0.7 to 1.2 psi/ft TVD.


MATRIX II (bw/psi):  The injectivity index of the formation prior to fracturing.


ABOVE FRAC II (bw\psi):  The injectivity index of the formation after fracturing.  This value should be greater than the below frac II.


HIGHEST EXPECTED INJECTION RATE (bwpd):  Unlike an IPR curve, the Injectivity performance of the reservoir is bounded only by the ability to pump more fluids into the formation.  To set a reasonable bound on the Injectivity, enter the highest anticipated injection rate here and the IPR calculations will build a suite of points to cover rates from 0 to the value you entered.  Entering a very large number will ensure a valid intersection is reached, but may reduce the resolution of the ipr curve.