Vogel's One Rate Test Data:

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Vogel's One Rate Test Data:

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Vogel's One Rate Test Data



Vogel's One Rate Test Data


RESERVOIR PRESSURE (psia):  The average reservoir pressure in the well's drainage area and can be obtained from pressure buildup analysis.  This option is limited to one reservoir pressure for all zones.


WATER CUT(Fraction):  The fraction of the total liquid flow stream that is made up of water.  In the results, fluid rate data is reported as TOTAL fluid which includes this water cut fraction.


FLOW RATE (stbpd):  The surface liquid rate measured in barrels per day at standard conditions.


FLOWING BOTTOMHOLE PRESSURE (psia):  The measured bottomhole pressure, under flowing or producing conditions, corrected to mid perforation depth.


BUBBLE POINT PRESSURE (psia):  The pressure at which the first bubble of gas comes out of solution, at reservoir temperature.  It is obtained from PVT data or assumed to be standard conditions (i.e. 14.65 psia).