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Jet Pump Panel Data Items
Jet Pump Parameters
Pump Manufacturer: This cell is used to enter the type of pump used.
Nozzle Size (Oilmaster < 19, Kobe < 26) This cell holds the nozzle size for the selected pump.
Throat Size: This entry describes the size of the area available to flow for the produced fluids. It is expressed in letters from starting with Y, then X,A,B,C,D, E and F. As these sizes are selected, the annulus area cell us updated with the current size in in2.
Recommend Nozzle/Throat Combination: This button will review the other data and suggest a combination that may meet your needs based on standard design relationships. This is just a recommendation and the best solution is often different from this one.
Power Fluid Parameters
Power Fluid Type: Oil or Water: Select the power fluid that corresponds to the power fluid: type. The program default value for the power fluid type is for oil as the power fluid.
Power Fluid Pressure Range: Four different power fluid pressures are run to determine the range of pump performance. Entering a value in either of the Minimum or Maximum cells will update the step value as soon as a different input cell is selected.
Power Fluid API or Specific Gravity: Enter the appropriate value for the power fluid specific gravity consistent with the power fluid type specified in the Power Fluid Type data selection. Enter the API gravity if the power fluid is an oil or the specific gravity relative to water if the power fluid is water. The program allows for the specification of power fluids that have specific gravities that differ from the specific gravity of the produced oil or water.
General Wellbore and Description Parameters
Pump Installation type Choose from one of 3 options: parallel , casing, or reverse As each is selected, an image updates that reflects the flow configuration.
Parallel Free System
The parallel free system includes one string of tubing that conducts the power fluid supply down to the pump and BHA, (the downstring}, and one string of tubing that returns the well produced fluids and the spent power fluid up a separate and parallel tubing string, (the up string).
Casing Free System
The casing free system. includes one string of tubing for the power fluid supply, (the downstring), and returns the well produced fluids and the spent power fluid up the casing-tubing annulus.
Concentric installations are also modeled using the casing free option. In this type of installation there is a smaller diameter tubing string set inside and concentric to a larger diameter tubing string. Input the ID of the larger tubing string as the casing ID in this case. All other inputs, except for the surface producing GOR, are the same as a standard casing free type evaluation. The value entered for the GOR depends on the installation or completion design and the effectiveness of the venting system, if applicable.
Reverse Flow System
In a reverse flow or reverse circulation system, the power fluid goes down the casing-tubing annulus or a separate power fluid supply tubing string (i.e. the downstring) and the well produced fluids and spent power fluid return up a tubing string (i.e. the upstring).
Description Information
Description Information is specifically modified based on your selection of pump configuration. The physical description not provided on this page will be entered on the Wellbore panel that follows this panel. Depending on the selection, some of the items may not be shown/required.
Power Fluid Tubing ID (in): Enter the actual tubing ID for the power fluid.The return path values are defined in the wellbore panel. Refer to the discussion on pump installation types (item 3) concerning the specification of tubing diameters for reverse flow systems.
Casing ID (in): Enter the actual ID of the casing. The actual diameter is the diameter through which the fluid flows, thus installations with iron sulfide, scale, or paraffin deposits may have a diameter less than the original steel size diameter.
Upstring Tubing ID (in): Enter the actual tubing ID for the return fluids. The actual tubing ID for all entries is the hydraulic diameter of the tubing. The actual diameter is not the drift diameter. The actual diameter is the diameter through which the fluid flows, thus installations with iron sulfide, scale, or paraffin deposits may have a diameter less than the original steel size diameter. This prompt will appear when the parallel free option is specified.
In some cases, a jet pump will be installed in a three string bottom hole assembly (BHA). Usually the jet will return fluid up both return strings. To .evaluate this type of problem, determine the upstrinq tubing ID that provides an equivalent friction pressure drop to the two return strings.
Downstring Tubing OD (in): Enter the actual tubing OD. Do not enter the coupling OD. Note, this prompt will not appear when the parallel free option is specified. This value will always be associated with the power fluid supply tubing.
Pump Vertical Depth (ft.): Input the true vertical depth to the location of the end of the pump bottom hole assembly. If the pump vertical depth, is less than or greater than the perforation depth, then the pump intake pressure is corrected from the value for the flowing bottom hole pressure at the perforation depth to the value for the pump intake pressure at the pump set depth using true flowing fluid conditions.
Perforation Depth (ft): Input the true vertical depth to the midpoint of the perforation interval(s). In general, this is not the measured depth since most drilled holes have some form of deviation from true vertical. In the following entry Well Flowing BHP is assumed to be taken at the midpoint of the perforation interval(s).
Gas is vented check box: Check this box if gas is allowed to bypass the pump via a capillary tube or other means. This will define whether the program's method of estimating the gas vent volumes will be used in estimating pump performance. The program default vent type for this data field is unvented.
Parallel Reverse Casing
The effectiveness of downhole gas vents is difficult to predict accurately. If vented is specified, then the program calculates the amount of free gas at each pump intake pressure. It then calculates the area ratio of the power fluid string ID to the casing ID and multiplies it times the free gas volume. This amount is assumed to go through the pump, with the remainder being vented. In a typical installation, this calculation method would allow about 80% of the free gas to be vented. This technique probably underestimates the effectiveness of gas venting in a concentric installation such as 1 1/2 tubing inside 2 7/8 tubing inside 5 1/2 casing because it uses the area ratio of the two tubing strings rather than the area ratio of the tubing string to the casing. Venting should be cons1derad if the GOR is high or if the producing bottom hole pressure (pump intake pressure) is low. Venting will improve the performance of the pump itself, but because. less gas is in the return conduit to the surface, higher pump discharge pressures may result. The overall effect of venting depends on the balance of these two factors.
Well Test Parameters
Target Well Test Flow Rate (BLPD): Enter the total liquid flow rate of the oil and water as ,reported by production test on a 24 hour basis. . Note that the rate is reported on a 24 hour basis. If the actual rate is not based on a 24 hour test ,period, then enter an estimate of what the rate would be if reported on a 24 hour basis since the multi-phase flow correlations are based on the volumes produced during a 24 hour period. Since the Rate and FBHP are defined by the IPR curve, the well flowing pressure will automatically update itself to reflect the rate and pressure that exist on the IPR curve. Conversely, the FBHP can be entered and the target rate will be calculated
Target Pump Suction pressure @ Well Flowing BHP (psig): Enter the steady state producing or flowing bottom hole pressure that corresponds to the production rate specified for the oil and water in Well Test Flow Rate cell . The IPR curve at the pump and its ability to model changes in the production rate for different producing bottom hole pressures is dependent on the accuracy of the reported rates and pressures.