Fetkovich from Multipoint Test Data:

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Fetkovich from Multipoint Test Data:

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Fetkovich from Multipoint Test Data



Fetkovich from Multi-point Test Data


RESERVOIR PRESSURE (psia):  The average reservoir pressure in the well's drainage area and can be obtained from pressure buildup analysis.  This option is limited to one reservoir pressure for all zones.


WATER CUT (Fraction of Liquid):  The fraction of the total liquid flow stream that is made up of water.  In the results, fluid rate data is reported as TOTAL fluid which includes this water cut fraction.




The data is ultimately fit to the backpressure equation


C: The coefficient in the empirical IPR equation: _bm37

N: The exponent in the empirical IPR equation: _bm38


*Note: This help file update will be completed at a later time.